Haven taken up the November challenge of NaNoWriMo, where all budding author's like myself - both emerging and established - sit themselves down over a short period of 30 days to produce 50,000 words in novel writing; Yep, I hear most of you, and your right it's a hard ask, but none the less I am going to push on and try and complete it. So, now I have committed myself to that task as well as blogging every day my progress, I fortunately stumbled across an adoption blog I had never seen before, as this blogger too, is challenging herself but slightly different. With NAAM (National Adoption Awareness Month), or better known to me as NAAW (National Adoption Awareness Week), the task at hand is to blog every day for the awareness of adoption. What a fantastic idea!
So now I am not only writing 50,000 words for a novel and blogging my results, but now I am also going to blog for the awareness of adoption - every day - for this whole entire month; after all this is my passion so this will be the easiest task of all - the hardest task will be to attract an audience who can resonate with the posts, or to help those who want to understand adoption better to read posts with an open mind.