Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stats are talking!

Hi!  I know you are all out there, but who are you? What sort of information are you looking for?
I was blown away to find that since starting this blog in May 2010, I have had over 350 hits.  That's right, quite impressive; well I think so anyway. This has surpassed all ideals I had ever imagined.  I am so happy this site is connecting with so many people who are interested in the adoption processes within our country.  So who are you and why not leave a comment or start following if you have a blog of your own?  I would dearly love to hear from some of you and  find out what you need to know or what your thoughts are.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meredith - great blog. We are starting to the local adoption process in WA so just looking to find blogs of likeminded people.
